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May 1, 20222 min read
Aceredo, underwater for 30 years, extreme drought has brought this Spanish village to the surface
The village of Aceredo had been underwater for thirty years. Due to a lack of water, the dam has stopped, and the houses are reappearing....
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Jul 25, 20213 min read
Portuguese vs. Galician languages: What's the difference?
Galician is a Romance language, close to Portuguese and spoken in northwestern Spain in Galicia, part of the province of León and part of...
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Mar 2, 20219 min read
What are the differences between Spain and Portugal?
Find out what the differences are between these two countries that share the Iberian Peninsula. Spain and Portugal are neighbours, yet...
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Jan 10, 20213 min read
10 things not to say in Porto
It is not easy to start a new life in a new country: learning a new language, new customs and traditions can be difficult, and we can all...
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